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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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Best Ways to Make Your Home Fit for Your Family

Home Fit

Making your house family friendly is important if you want to protect both your family and your house from harm.

However, finding ways to create a long-lasting and easy-to-maintain home can be easier said than done. Then, here is a guide to creating a practical and enjoyable space for every member of your family.

Lay Down Flooring

Although you might automatically opt for carpeting, especially in bedrooms and upstairs rooms, you should consider the advantages of laying down wood flooring. Wood flooring can be perfect for family homes as it can withstand the stomps of little feet. Then, if you want the flooring in your home to last for generations, you should consider opting for wood flooring within your home. However, wood still needs to be maintained every so often, and so, if you are looking for a more modern alternative, you should consider opting for vinyl floor, which can give your home a luxurious and stylish look.

Consider Open-Plan Rooms

However, before you even think about the décor in your home, you need to consider its layout. If you have a large family, you should scrap small, cosy rooms and opt for sprawling open-plan areas. Open-plan homes and rooms are perfect for families as they can encourage all of the family to gather and socialise in one place while enjoying different activities, such as cooking or watching television. Open-plan rooms can also be perfect for those that love entertaining family friends in their home. You should consider creating zones, though, with different flooring options, layers, or carefully positioned seating.

Choose Washable or Removable Materials

When you have kids, a disaster is always just around the corner. Then, whether they have smeared food across your furniture or decided to draw on it with crayons, you need to make sure that all of your furniture is made from washable and removable materials and that you have the right cleaning products for it. This ensures that you can keep your furnishings looking as good as new no matter what wear and tear they undergo at the hands of your children.

Create a Kid’s Zone

Your home is just as much your kid’s as your own. Then, you should consider creating a kid’s zone that can ensure that every member of your family can stay entertained within your home. Not only this, but creating a kid’s zone can help to keep mess within one area of your house, rather than your children’s toys and play equipment being scattered around every room of your house.

Build a Porch

To prevent you from constantly having to clean your floors and wipe up after your kids, you should consider building a porch onto the front of your home. Porches can provide a great transitional point between indoors and outdoors that gives you the space that you need to store muddy boots and wet coats. As well as acting as a storage space, it can also keep your kids and pets safe by ensuring that there is another barrier that they have to get through before being able to escape outside.


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