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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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4 Ways To Boost Your Customer Experience On Mobile

4 Ways To Boost Your Customer Experience On Mobile

Today, mobile customer experience is a big deal as UK internet retail sales grew by 47% in 2020.

And the figures are expected to grow. Additionally, the average user spends over three hours browsing on their smartphone. For a business, this means you can gain more by making your website or app mobile friendly. For starters, it enhances your customer’s experience by making interactions more convenient. And it is an opportunity to build a long-lasting relationship with your client. Here are four ways to boost your customer experience on mobile and tap into the booming digital market. 

1. Make mobile shopping super convenient

Convenience is no longer a luxury but a must-have in today’s customer-centred marketplace. So it is best to find ways to make purchasing more convenient for customers. For instance, ecommerce businesses can add mobile payment solutions to boost their customer experience. Consider streamlining your checkout process by eliminating the need to bring out credit cards, coupons, and so on. Instead, adopt a powerful mobile payment solution that allows your customers to pay via a single scan, activate discounts and receive loyalty points.

2. Use the proper onboarding procedure

Customer onboarding involves improving a person’s success with a service or product. It is the first impression you create with a customer, and you need to take it seriously as a business. Conventional marketing may focus more on directing customers towards your business’s ultimate goal. However, the customer experience approach differs by focusing on providing a seamless, helpful and more endearing customer onboarding process. Therefore, ensure your customer onboarding covers the entire journey from the first sign-up to product activation and usage.

3. Update your website design

Smartphones swiftly transitioned from an expensive, thrilling new technology to a part of daily life. And with Google’s mobile-first website performance analysis, a bad mobile experience isn’t only unpleasant for customers but can harm your ranking online. If your website was built or modified a few years ago, there is a good chance it wasn’t designed with mobile in mind. Now is a good time to switch and get a new design. Sites like have some of the finest website designs for excellent mobile experiences. Ensure your website delivers the best customer experience on mobile by making it more responsive and easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Also, keep ads and pop-ups to a minimum and improve your speed. The modern customer can be impatient and will likely leave your website even with a few seconds’ delays.

4. Prioritise customer feedback

Many customers expect brands to actively solicit their feedback. And according to Search Engine Watch, approximately 52% of customers expect businesses to respond to their reviews. Other surveys have also shown that mobile app users are willing to provide feedback provided you ask. So it is advantageous to be proactive. You can start with the clients you currently receive feedback from. This way, you can provide more coherent and customer-focused products and experiences.


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