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Iceni Magazine | May 18, 2024

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Bingo Revival: Why Millennials Love Online Bingo


The term millennial, or those who make up ‘Generation-Y’, refers to a demographic of people who became adults around the dawn of the new millennium.

Although sociologists can’t always see eye-to-eye on the specific years that millennials were born, most agree it ranges from the mid-70s or early-80s to the mid-90s.

As many millennials grew up on a diet of home computers and the internet, it’s no surprise that they tend to use online platforms more often than older generations. This is also believed to be the main reason why online bingo has become so popular amongst younger people.

If you check out this list of UK bingo sites, it’ll be obvious why so many people are flocking to play online. There are just so many options to choose from and it’s so quick and easy to play, too.

In fact, recent polls conducted in the UK revealed that almost 90% of online bingo players are under the age of 50. However, with so much content available online, why is bingo the first stop for so many millennials?

Multi-Platform Play


A survey conducted earlier this year found that 76% of adults throughout the UK now own a smartphone, and many online bingo operators are now offering their customers a wide variety of platform options. If you’ve seen a bingo advert or visited an online bingo brand recently, you’ve probably noticed the increasing emphasis placed on tablets and smartphones.

Online bingo brand mFortune has even created exclusive apps that can be downloaded onto their user’s smartphones. This means that instead of having to load up their browsers and mess around with mobile optimization tools, mFortune players can simply open the mobile bingo app. Plus, slots, roulette games and a variety of other titles from the mFortune brand. With this level of accessibility, it’s no wonder that millennials are eager to see what bingo is all about.

Community Over Seclusion


Although bingo has managed to become a modern pastime, there are still plenty of other gaming options for young people to download onto their smartphones. So, why are they choosing bingo? This may be due to one crucial aspect of more traditional bingo that new-age bingo has managed to hold on to: the social element.

In the past, friends would come together to chat whilst they played bingo and so most online bingo sites have incorporated conversation. This is usually done through chat boxes, chat rooms and chat games, though there are occasionally forums that players can visit as well. By encouraging players to communicate with each other, bingo has kept its communal spirit whilst other online games offer more solitary experiences. That is, unless you want to get yelled at by a stranger.

Bingo At It’s Best


Whilst variety, accessibility, community and ease are clearly important factors in online bingo’s success, it’s hard to believe that the game would have made any progress if it wasn’t enjoyable. Of course, other games such as poker and blackjack have that risky edge that some love, MMOs allow you to lose yourself in another world and puzzles test your brain and patience. But it is bingo that has captured many Millennials’ hearts.

Even if you aren’t a regular bingo player, chances are you understand how the game works so you could instantly get involved. In addition to this, everyone enters a bingo room with the same chance of winning and there’s absolutely no learning curve – you’re bound to feel comfortable right away. Factor in all of the other elements online bingo has to offer and it’s easy to see why millennials come together to play bingo.

If you think about it, bingo is more of a tradition passed down through generations than simply a game, especially in the UK. There’s no doubt that the Baby Boomers and Generation X enjoyed their time playing bingo together throughout the decades, so now it is time for the millennials to pick up their digital dabbers and play this new style of bingo.

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