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Iceni Magazine | February 9, 2025

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Why it’s vital for a business to keep up to date with training new techniques

keep up to date with training new techniques

For many long-serving employees across a variety of industries, it is often difficult to remember the days of education and training.

If you’ve been working in a certain profession for a while, you may question the need for refresher or up-to-date training courses – you know everything you already need to, right? Wrong! Updating employees with new and relevant industry knowledge is a must for businesses and will prove beneficial to even the most experienced of team members. Here’s why.

Staff retention  

It is reported, that 93% of employees would remain with a chosen company for longer if they offered training and development courses throughout their time there. This assures the employee that they are not expendable and will therefore encourage them to invest their time in a business, knowing that they will have chance to progress internally. Naturally, this is a key advantage to business owners as they can cut back on expensive and unnecessary recruitment and marketing costs. Additionally, service is bound to improve and be more consistent which is part of success and generating more profit.

Attracting new customers and clients

In many industries, operations and activities are continually changing. For example, many mechanics are having to adjust to the rise in electric cars, and with the emergence of AR and VR technology, many businesses are looking to incorporate this into their strategies. One example of a constantly evolving field is the beauty industry. In this sector, techniques are often changing and are often heavily influenced by Instagram trends. If you asked someone for a microblading or LVL lash treatment 10 years ago, you’d get looked at funny. Keeping up to date with new techniques in beauty is essential in retaining and attracting customers. With a large range of affordable beauty courses, there’s no reason to not encourage your staff to learn about the latest treatments. Specialist equipment like waxing kits & heaters often also require the correct training to be used safely and correctly – if professionals fail to do so, they will offer an inadequate service which is likely to deter customers.

The legal bits

Not always, but in many cases, having the correct training and qualifications is a legal requirement to work in a certain profession. If you are found to be in breach of the legal requirements, you could be faced with a hefty fine and your business’s future may be in peril. To avoid this, ensure you provide training when relevant and possible instead of relying on staff to make sure they are accredited. By keeping track of training and qualification certificates, you can see when employees may require refresher training or are (un)suitable to carry out a certain task.

Investing in training and your employee’s development may seem tedious and an easy aspect to cut back on but doing so can sabotage the future of your business. By keeping up to date with training and emphasising its role in the business, you are sure to retain talented employees who contribute to the success of your business.

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