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Iceni Magazine | May 19, 2024

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Tips for Throwing a Party This Summer

Tips for Throwing a Party This Summer

This year has been strange for everyone. You have had to make changes to your daily life, and this includes not seeing family and friends as regularly as you would have hoped for.

But the end is in sight, as restrictions across the country are starting to ease. This means that if you are having a special occasion, this summer is the time to celebrate.

Since the beginning of 2020, the expectation and possibilities of parties have changed. Many had to resort and capitalise on the digital: learning how to host online parties, how to engage a group through screen. Now, however, as restrictions are lifted, many will want to organise that in-person event to celebrate reunions. It’s possible that aspects of what made online parties enjoyable are carried over into the more traditional escapades of garden gatherings and marquee teas. However, traditions may be revived early on, to rekindle that sense of being around each other, to familiarise themselves with one another and the prospects of a party. Whether you want to have a birthday party, anniversary celebration or wedding ceremony, you can carefully plan these types of events. Here are some tips for throwing a party this summer.

Throwing a Party This Summer

Do Things in Advance

This summer, people are going to want to know in advance about events. It gives them time to prepare and if they have other plans, they can move them around. So, invite guests to your party in advance. You can also provide some details on the event so that they know what to expect and can feel comfortable about it.

The world is still catching up after a drastic change over the last year. This means that supplies can be behind and there can be a wait time. For your party, you want to ensure that you have all of the supplies in advance so that you are not disappointed. This means doing your research and ordering ahead of time. In particular, there are party suppliers that are going to help you with this task and make it a lot less stressful.

Have it Outside

Since the weather is good during the summer, this is the perfect time to take your party outside. It is also going to make sure that your guests feel comfortable too. Now, you are allowed more people to gather in one place, so this is going to allow everyone to enjoy the fresh air. There are a lot of venues that are going to allow you to use their outside grounds, as well as your own garden being an option.

Think About Food and Beverages

When you are outside, you need to think carefully about food and beverages. But this last year has taught us that you also have to consider hygiene. So, ensure that you have a setup for refreshments that is going to make your guests feel comfortable. Choosing disposable plates and cups might also be an option. Even providing hand sanitiser is going to put people’s minds at ease.


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