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Iceni Magazine | July 27, 2024

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4 tips to help your child with their homework

4 tips to help your child with their homework

We all have busy lives. Whether it’s our jobs, out of work commitments, or just staying on top of the chores at home, it can often feel like there isn’t enough time for the little things, like helping the kids with their homework.

This fact was made apparent earlier this year in a survey which found that just 11% of parents in the UK spend an hour per day helping their children with school work, compared to 62% in India. While an hour per day might not be realistic for most people, there are some simple steps you can take to help your kids with their homework. We’ve outlined four of them below.

Create a study area

Just like grown-ups, children need to have their own space to sit and do their work. Younger children will likely feel more comfortable being around you, so setting up shop in the kitchen or dining room might be a good idea. As the kids get older, they might prefer to do their homework in their bedroom — just make sure you check in on them regularly.

Wherever you decide to set up their study area, it’s important that it’s comfortable, well lit, and free from distractions. You can also try making a study area your children want to be in by investing in some fun stationery and desk ornaments – we love the variety on offer at Smiggle.

Put a plan in place

When it comes to homework, the role of the parent is a supporting one. It is up to you to have the structure and guidance in place to allow the kids to complete their work with minimal interference, acting as a guide and helper, rather than a repository of answers. It can also be wise to establish a routine and enforce it consistently. Your kids need to know that getting their homework done is of paramount importance and comes before TV, phone calls, video games, or other distractions. Try to set a consistent time for homework each day and always check to make sure it has been completed.

Use available tools

All kids are different. And, it’s inevitable that, at some point, your child will come up against a subject or idea that they just can’t wrap their head around. This is where it can be worthwhile to invest in some extra help.

Platforms like Busy Things can be a great addition to your teaching arsenal, with hundreds of curriculum-linked games and activities for kids aged 3 -11. Tools like this can be fantastic if there is a particular subject you don’t have the knowledge to teach, but they are also a great way to reinforce the ideas the kids have been learning in school. You can even get a seven-day free trial, so there’s nothing to lose.

Deal with problems early

If your child is having consistent issues with their homework assignments, there could be a deeper problem. For many kids, this is merely a matter of putting better study habits in place. Organisational skills such as correctly writing down assignments and keeping track of their homework for various classes can help.

If a particular subject is causing your child difficulty, consider having a chat with their teacher to gain some more insight into the matter. If your child has an issue understanding or completing their homework across the board, this could be down to a deeper underlying issue such as ADHD, learning difficulties, or even a vision or hearing impairment.

While homework can often be boring when compared to other activities, creating a study structure for your children early will pay dividends in the long run, especially once they start their GSCEs and A Levels. Follow our simple steps and you can make learning fun again!


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