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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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Spring is the season to declutter… but where to start?

spring declutter

Spring is finally showing its face, and boy, are we welcoming the longer days and brighter skies.

It is also the perfect time for you to make some changes, and often the first port of call is your home.

Winter is a time of the year to hibernate and stay indoors, and because of that, clutter and stuff can accumulate. Decluttering is the perfect way to add freshness to your home, and it can be the easiest way to make a real difference to how you feel in your environment. But where to start? You could read up about the Kon Mari method or follow some of these top ways to start decluttering in your home.

Five minutes each day

Five minutes. It isn’t a lot of time, is it? But it is something that you can likely spare each day and can help you make a dent with your decluttering over a while. Set a timer and just go around your home. Throw away rubbish, clear things, and just don’t stop until the timer is done. Repeat this for a few days, and you will find it will become a habit, and you may even spend more extended periods doing it. This is also a useful practice to develop with your children. They can be notoriously difficult to convince of the benefits of having a tidy room and helping to keep the house clutter-free. Engaging in short stints of tidying regularly will be favourable to a whole day.

Focus on one thing or area at a time

If decluttering your whole home seems overwhelming right now, break it down into smaller tasks. Focus on one thing or one area at a time. This might be a set of drawers, your wardrobe, or even one room. As you notice the positive changes, you will be more motivated to keep going. Put items into piles and donate things you haven’t used for over a year. It feels liberating to return clothes to a wardrobe without having to cram things in, for example. And don’t forget to give everything a thorough spring clean after emptying the area.

Go round your home with a bag

This technique is similar to the timed one and can work well, especially if your clutter happens to be things like recyclable items. Grab a bag and just start putting stuff in it. Try and fill the bag up each day. If it isn’t rubbish, you can still use this technique for things you need to go through. A box of unwanted items you don’t need but might want to sell online, perhaps. Again, this could be a technique to try with your kids, but always be sure that the stuff in the bags is rubbish.

Switch up the music and dance your way through it

Music can make any task seem more fun, so if you want to feel motivated, then put on your favourite playlist and dance your way through it. This can be useful when you focus on one area of your home. Having the music on can be a distraction to the feelings of not wanting to do the task and allow you just to get on and do it. Try it!

Make it fun

As well as music and dancing, why not have a go at adding an extra element of fun? Declutter bingo is a great way to feel as though you’re achieving something and can earn a reward at the end of it. It’s the perfect way for engaging reluctant children… and partners, too.

Research organisation techniques and storage

Finally, decluttering is often the first step in organising your home, and nothing can be more motivating than watching people tidy their homes on social media, organising drawers, and getting some tips on how you can implement some of the techniques into your home. Whether you space dividers in drawers, organisers in wardrobes, or organise your bookshelf by colour, embrace the madness and just go for it. In fact, you may wish to embrace a three-step process to decluttering as shared by the Mamma Fairy, enabling you to make a success of your mission and ensuring there is a neat, tidy home for everything worth keeping or necessary.

Let’s hope this has given you the motivation to start decluttering your home this spring. And don’t forget that you shouldn’t just stick to decluttering your home. Spend some time and attention on your digital world, too.



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