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Iceni Magazine | July 24, 2024

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Perfect Summer Activities that are Good for the Soul and the Mind

Perfect Summer Activities that are Good for the Soul and the Mind

Summer is well and truly on its way and sometimes this can be a positive turn in the year for someone who struggles with mental health.

It offers the perfect opportunities to plan some summer activities good for the soul and mind.

The weather is better, the sun is shining, and people seem much happier. While you can never predict when you will have your bad days, and even if the sun is shining the fog can still return, there are things you can do during the summer that are good for your soul and for your mind.

Going camping

Camping is one of those things that some people don’t enjoy, and while it is about essentially sleeping outside in a tent, there is more to it that makes it good for your mind. Being outside and with nature can be really calming and therapeutic in many ways. The peace and quiet can allow you to fully unwind. Sitting around a campfire, chatting to loved ones and not realising how the time is passing can be incredibly powerful. Of course, getting the right camping gear is essential to ensure you enjoy some of the luxuries available to you. You may find camping stoves, kettles, and even electric hook-ups on some campsites. Luxuries aside, it is being outside and enjoying the fresh air that really makes it great for your mental health.

Exercising more outside

Exercising is one of the best ways to feel better about yourself, especially if you struggle with your mental health and wellbeing. However, taking the exercise outside now that the weather is getting better is only going to help you feel better. You get a healthy dose of vitamin D being outside in the sunshine and combining that with a good run or workout routine in the fresh air can feel both liberating and exhilarating. Of course, high impact exercise isn’t for everyone, so be sure to read on.

Heading out for a walk or a bike ride

There is a common theme for feeling good when it comes to your mental health and often fresh air is one of the best ways to calm your mind when you are struggling. So, if you know it works, then don’t break a good thing. Summer means the weather is good so why not plan long walks and bike rides to enjoy on the weekends? Take a picnic with you or visit a local café or farm shop to enjoy a bite to eat.

Exploring a new place

Ever explored your town like a tourist? Or headed somewhere new that is local? Then why not make it your mission to do that this summer? There are so many wonderful places to explore and learning and witnessing different things can be a terrific way to occupy the mind. You would be surprised what activities and places to see there are if you investigate.

Embracing your inner child

When you think back to the summers you enjoyed most as a child, you probably remember being carefree without any limitations on your time and money. The beach was one of the top memories, most likely. Embrace your inner child by heading to the seaside and building a sandcastle or another wonderful creation. Play the 2p machines. Dip your feet in the sea and scream as the waves crash around your knees. Just because you are now officially an adult does not mean to say you cannot continue to enjoy these things just as much, if not more. Avoid the sandy sandwiches though – they can stay in your childhood forever!

Creating a summer bucket list

Finally, why not take some time to write your own summer bucket list? Including some of the ones already mentioned, you can use this as a calming activity to help you think about the future and give yourself something to look forward to. Try to be realistic. If a trip to the other side of the world is on the list for this summer, and you know you don’t have the funds, don’t put it on. This bucket list is for the near future, not your lifetime. It will also help you to plan days out and things to do, which again can be beneficial for your mindset.

Hopefully, this list of summer activities that are good for the soul and mind will have inspired you to do some amazing things this year. We’d love to hear all about what you get up to!

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