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Iceni Magazine | May 19, 2024

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Millions of Brits have a ‘side hustle’ to pursue their passions

Millions of Brits have a ‘side hustle’ to pursue their passions

Millions of Brits have a ‘side hustle’ job to pursue their passions – and make a few quid on the side, according to research.

A study of 2,000 adults in full-time employment found one in four are working ‘5 to 9’ on the side … after arriving home from their ‘9 to 5’.

It also emerged those with a side-hustle top up their income with an average of £6,604.80-a-year after tax, while 15 per cent of evening entrepreneurs make £12,000 annually.

The research was commissioned by Vistaprint – a leading online provider of marketing products and services to small businesses.

Beauty and wellness were found to be the most popular sectors to cash in on, along with hairdressers, personal trainers and dieticians.

Arts and entertainment such as artists, DJs and designers and home improvement, including self-employed decorators and gardeners, also made the list.

Generating extra cash was found to be the top reason Brits either have, or would like to have, a business on the side.

But one in three started a part-time venture to pursue a passion, and more than one third did so to spend more time doing what they enjoy.

A desire and drive to follow one’s true calling is further supported by the finding that over half (56 per cent) cannot find a full-time job related to their interests.

Simon Braier, customer strategy and insights director from Vistaprint, said: “Britain’s side business economy is booming, as employees increasingly look for financial, professional and personal fulfilment that may not be present in their main job.

“While many side hustles are born out of a personal interest or hobby, they don’t have to stay small.

“Side business owners can test their venture’s long-term viability, growth and marketing opportunities in a safer setting, helping them to ease the transition into full-time entrepreneurship and spend more time doing what they love.”

The study also found that almost two thirds of entrepreneurs (65 per cent) treat their enterprise as a ‘5 to 9’ and work on it in the evenings in order to fit around their career.

A further one third (36 per cent) also work on their side job at the weekends, while one quarter (24 per cent) do so during the morning.

A typical side business takes up 13 hours a week, while 17 per cent of those polled spend 20+ hours-a-week working on it.

The study, by OnePoll, also found that one third (32 per cent) of side business owners hope to grow their venture in the future.

But they would need an average of £2,711-a-month post-tax to consider turning a side project into a full-time job – a figure well above the average side hustle earnings.

Vistaprint’s UK market lead Charlotte Holmes-Darby said: “To grow your side business, you need to think and act like a full-time entrepreneur.

“That also means you should be prepared to seize any opportunities that come your
way and enable you to take your side hustle to the next level.”

Case Studies:

Karen Grant, from Wiltshire, used to work full time as a Financial Advisor when she began her side business of being a corsetiere.

As her venture grew Karen began working part time in order to concentrate on her creative business and eventually in 2013 left her finance role altogether.

Karen said: “I wish I’d taken the plunge a lot sooner, I love my job and have met many lovely people.

“I work from a studio in my back garden on my side project that I was able to also turn into a career, I have recently branched out into giving talks to craft groups and at the local Women’s Institute.

“My advice to people starting a side-line career would be to have plenty of support at home, plenty of rest and keep your social life going – it’s a hard slog at first.

“I’m very happy with my decision, it’s worked out very well and I get to do what I love – I’d encourage anyone to do this.”

Another successful side-hustler is Kati Ramsden from Ashford, who spends her days working in HR but also runs a package-free grocery shop on the side.

Alongside her 30 hour-a-week job and being a mum to two young children, Kati spends two days a week running her grocery store.

Kati said: “It’s been an incredible learning curve with a lot of trial and error.

“Every penny I make goes back into the business, buying new stock – that’s my current focus.

“It’s a balancing act, balancing home and work life – I work Saturday and do feel I miss out on the stuff my husband and kids do.

“If you take on a side project it needs to be something you love to sustain your interest because the reality is you won’t be making a lot of money out of it, in the early days at

Learn more here from Vistaprint about turning your side hustle into a full time job –

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