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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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How To Increase Your Engagement On Social Media

How To Increase Your Engagement On Social Media

Engagement on social media refers to the actions that users take on your posts, pages, and other content.

For example, users might engage by clicking a link or watching a video. They might also engage by saving a post, sharing content, liking a post, or leaving a comment. To increase your engagement on social media there are lots of steps that you can take. Before you even concern yourself with the ins and outs of engagement, it is vital to create an account using a unique username to ensure you are recognisable and without the need for twelve numbers after. By using a username generator Instagram, it will be much easier to choose a great username and create accounts on multiple platforms with the same name in order to get started with your social media campaigns.

1. Paid ads

Let’s take Facebook as an example platform, on FB businesses can use a combination of organic posts and paid ads. When you use paid advertisements it’s easy to engage your users, due to the range of user targeting features. You can choose which Facebook users to target, using a wide range of demographics. When you are targeting the right people you’re more likely to experience higher levels of engagement. There are various other benefits to using paid social media ads including:

  • Select from various formats.
  • Boost conversions.
  • Budget-friendly marketing option.
  • Access useful analytics.

2. Visually striking content

To increase your engagement on social media, you’ll need to ensure that your content is visually striking. When you’re posting photography images ensure that you select high-quality images. Go for images that are aesthetically pleasing, unique, and eye-catching. Avoid using stock images and instead create a memorable photography style. Digital marketers, like those at Bolda, can assist you with ensuring that people are talking about you for all the right reasons.

When you’re producing flat lay photography try reading up on a few tips to help you achieve the correct lighting. Using an iPhone and a few photography tips anyone can create professional-looking images for social media platforms.

3. Video content

According to Explain Ninja, ‘Video generates more engagement than any other content type on Instagram.’ Data also shows that ‘91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media.’

Producing video content is a great way to draw in new consumers, and satisfy your existing users. Brands have so many video content options, and there are lots of ways to get creative. Your business might consider animations, video ads, live streaming, webinars, or behind-the-scenes videos. Most importantly, you’ll want to produce high-quality video content. You don’t need a huge budget to do this, producing YouTube videos is a low-cost way to grow your following fast. However, if you have money to invest in this area, you may wish to consider the 360 photo booth experiences available via OrcaVue, which help to better immerse your customers in your brand.

4. Run contests

Consumers just love the chance to win a prize, running a contest is a fantastic way to engage people, grow your audience, and build hype around your brand. There are plenty of ways to approach a social media contest. For instance, you could ask your audience to produce user-generated content? User-generated content is valuable because this type of content is incredibly authentic.

5. Work with influencers

When you work with the right influencers you can encourage engagement and boost your brand awareness. In 2021 lots of brands are choosing to partner up with nano-influencers. These influencers have smaller audiences and are less expensive than more high-profile influencers. Researchers show that these influencers are trusted content creators and that their audiences are incredibly engaged and loyal.

If you’re looking to find nano-influencers you might want to check out influencer marketing platforms such as Heepsy. Here you can search through a range of influencers, across many different niches. When you’re using Instagram for business, influencers can support your campaign strategies.

6. Scheduling tactics

If you’re serious about increasing engagement you’ve got to think about your scheduling tactics. Posting your content at the right time makes a huge difference to content performance. According to marketing expert Matt Rhodes, when you post largely depends on your audience. Rhodes explained that ‘brand targeting mums, for example, it may make more sense to create engaging content at 2 am when mums are awake and alone with their babies. For a brand targeting football fans, as another example, your research may find that your audience most wants to engage after football matches in the afternoon or evening,’ (Buffer, 2021).

7. CSR

Audiences want to buy from brands that value corporate social responsibility. From the environment to politics and social justice, businesses are expected to take a stand. When you’re planning your social media strategies you should ensure that you include CSR as part of your content plan. Research shows that many people prefer to purchase from environmentally conscious brands. To drive engagement you’ll need to align yourself with the values of your consumers.

With so many options to increase engagement, there’s plenty of opportunity to grow your audience. Social media allows small businesses to boost brand awareness, and create a buzz around their company.

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