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Iceni Magazine | September 21, 2024

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How to Get Your Finances In Order

How to Get Your Finances In Order

Tax time is coming and that means you need to get all of your financials in order.

Throughout the year there were a lot of receipts, purchases, deductions, and charities donated to, and now you have to remember all of these things. Some of us have a streamlined way of keeping track of what we spend and how we spend, while others of us simply fly by the seat of our wallets. No matter what side you fall on, here are a few ways you can get and keep your finances in order.

Create a Budget

This may be scary, but you may want to create a budget in a spreadsheet. Everyone’s computer comes with spreadsheet technology, so it may serve you to write down your monthly expenses and keep track of them. When you see what you are spending on you will know where your money is going and how much of it you have to make.

When you have that information down, you can create a budget and stick to it. That way, you will eliminate any financial anxieties you may have. The more you know, the more you can control, and you will always have enough.

Work With an Accountant

You are probably asking yourself: “why use an accounting service?” The answer is clear: they know more about money than you do. An accounting service will work with you to help you maintain that budget that you just came up with. They will be able to take your money, invest it wisely, help you find tax deductions, and help you take what you have and make it continuously grow through the future.

A lot of people have simple savings accounts that accrue some interest, but there are far more lucrative investments that can be made that will take your money and double it in no time. Those ways can easily be found with an accountant. The tax deadline 2024 isn’t that far away, so reach out now to see if an experienced and trusted accountant can help.

Organize Your Files

If you are running a business or just keeping track of your personal finances, make a spreadsheet and keep track of everything. There are plenty of apps where you can scan receipts and then store them on your phone or in a file on your computer. You can also plan out where certain percentages of your earnings are going to go whether it is into a savings account or into an investment.

The more organized you are the better you are going to be able to handle any unanticipated cost that comes your way. You will always be prepared and your finances will always be solid.

Keep Track of Tax Information

Whether it is income tax forms, loan forms, or any document that you will need to do your taxes, make sure you know where they are and that they are up to date. When you leave this work to the end, you may miss some important information you are going to need to pay your taxes and continue to stay on budget throughout the year. Keep yourself organized. 


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