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Iceni Magazine | July 25, 2024

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How To Become A Croupier: The Basics

How To Become A Croupier: The Basics

There’s always seemed to be something cool about working in a casino.

We think it’s because of how it’s portrayed on television and films. They’re always sharply dressed, always professional and always have a certain air of elegance to them.

And if experience from past croupiers is served to be correct, it can actually be a rewarding and enjoyable career in real life too. Of course, it does require a passion for casino games, but then in any job you need to have an interest in it right? There’s no point becoming a dog groomer if you don’t like animals. Similarly, don’t become a croupier if you don’t have a penchant for a spin of 777 slots or playing a hand of blackjack.

So, how do you become a croupier? And what do they actually do?

About The Role: What You Do

The day-to-day job of a croupier isn’t as simple as it may look. A croupier is the centrepiece of any casino table game. They’re basically in charge, ensuring people bet correctly, wait their turn and there’s a general order and flow of play.

That means that croupiers are required to know every game inside out, the house rules, betting configurations and much, much more. It means there’s an awful lot to learn.

Of course, the role of a croupier is very interactive too. You tend to see a lot of actors take on the role as it does require confidence to engage with customers and keep them happy and entertained, even if they’re losing.

This element is generally perfected while on the job, as croupiers can develop their own style and it may even lead to regular players if they like you, which is always good for the tip jar.

These days, you may also find opportunities to work as an online croupier. More and more online casinos are offering live casino games on top of their standard slot and table games offering. What this involves is being a croupier in front of camera which is then streamed to players. It works in a similar way, except there’s a little less interaction. Consider it being a croupier over Zoom.

Do you need qualifications?

One of the great things about becoming a croupier is that you don’t necessarily need any formal qualifications. While some jobs will require them, particularly those in the more established, exclusive clubs such as those in Mayfair, all you really need is to be good with numbers and be quick to calculate them. Other than that, personable skills and being able to show good examples of communication skills will always help your cause.

You will tend to find a base level of qualifications, often around the five GCSE mark in the UK, and most prominently in English and Maths. Work experience can also help, particularly in the hospitality industry or working with money.

Getting training

If you are successful through an interview, often casinos will send you on croupier training courses to get you up to speed quicker. These are usually over a three month period, although some casinos will simply throw you in at the deep end.

Following training, it will then be up to the bosses to decide whether you’re ready to go front of house and start your croupier journey. There are then many ways you can work your way up the ladder, including roles such as pit boss, dealer inspector and of course casino manager or eventual owner – just don’t end up like Terry Benedict.

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