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Iceni Magazine | February 9, 2025

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How To Be The Party Master (And Still Love Your Neighbours)

How To Be The Party Master

In case you didn’t notice, party season (also known as the silly season) has the United Kingdom well and truly in its grip.

Threats of lockdowns and further disruptions to our way of life, don’t seem to have made much of a difference, as weather and party hardy Brits are taking to the season with gusto.

Largely inspired by the want and will to get back to normal life, this year has already seen some epic parties around the country.

Far from us wanting to cramp your style, instead, we’re giving you some great advice on how to survive the party season, with your neighbourhood relations intact.


Planning your parties over the season with a little extra attention to frequency, the number of guests invited and if you intend on having your party on a week day or weekend, will automatically go some way to minimising noise and annoyance to your neighbours.  All of these are great considerations, but the best one of the lot?

Invite your neighbours.

Send out invitations to your closest neighbours a couple of weeks before the party, and pop courtesy notices in the neighbour’s boxes further down the road, letting them know that you are going to host a party but that you’ll endeavour to create as little disruption as possible and that your guests will be out in line with the best practice in your suburb or neighbourhood.


If you know you’ve been a naughty neighbour and you’re feeling a little bad about it after the fact, all is not lost. You can still win over your neighbours by popping them an “I’m sorry” card with a small but thoughtful holiday-themed gift attached. No, you don’t have to spend unreasonable amounts of money, most people will appreciate the gesture – however small.


This is certainly true if you live in a big city or terraced housing for example. No one likes to jostle for parking that’s rightfully theirs because an inconsiderate neighbour didn’t plan properly. If parking is a problem in your borough, encourage your guests to take public transport – or better yet, set up an Uber carpool.

If you have a larger space and you’re intending on playing music (certainly if you’re a regular party host), consider Soundproofing for your living areas. It seems like it’s something that only the big boys would want, but if you’re socially mobile it’s priceless.

You also don’t have to break the bank to throw a decent party and when you involve your neighbours and your extended neighbours, everyone gets to play a part. If you live in the kind of suburb on the street that you can block off for an awesome street party, that’s a great prize – but, if you live close to a public park and can get permission from your local council – that’s FIRST prize.

Get some tips on planning a fabulous Christmas party, here but always remember to make your party your own.

With everything we’ve all been through, one would be forgiven for wanting to let off some steam – but do take care to be thoughtful and responsible about it as well. Some simple decision making will keep you loving your neighbour (and them you), well past the holiday season.

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