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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Father’s Day Gift Ideas (For Your Ex)

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is rapidly approaching, and for some, whether estranged or not, the panic will be starting to set in.

If you’re planning some sort of gift for your ex, on your children’s behalf, this can be even more daunting. However, we have a few ideas to make it less taxing for you but still show the children and their father that their relationship is important and valuable in your eyes, too.

Homemade Gifts and Cards

Receiving a present crafted by your child’s fair hands (or more likely, their chubby, uncoordinated ones, if they are little) is a gift in itself. The sheer look of joy and excitement on their faces when they present you with a blob of clay, intended to be a trinket holder, for example, is worth so much more than a bucket load of sweets or a bottle of wine. Chat to your child about what they’d like to make for their dad. If they are of that age where they are either indecisive or clueless, try looking on Pinterest together and seeing if anything catches their eye. Often, there is a variety of simple and cheap to make gift ideas for fathers.

Framed Photograph or Canvas

You don’t have to invest in an expensive photoshoot to grab amazing photos of your children. In fact, many stunning images are captured on the spur of the moment, on camera phones, these days. It can leave a bitter taste in your mouth if you spend a lot of money on someone whose relationship with you ended on a sour note. Therefore, something like this can prevent you spending too much money. Wilkos do excellent frames for a low cost, and you can print your own photos in many supermarkets. Alternatively, get one printed onto a canvas via a website (many have introductory or discount codes if you use a search engine to look).

Home Baking

Baking with your child is a great opportunity for the two (and more!) of you to bond. While it’s bound to end up in you both caked in flour and icing sugar, the memories will be made, and your child’s dad will have something yummy at the end of it. Of course, it might look a pig’s ear if you hand over decorating duties to your offspring. However, it is always the thought that counts, plus if it tastes amazing, the aesthetics can certainly be overlooked.


Taking your child to the supermarket and getting them to select items that remind them of daddy could be a fun way to create a hamper filled with treats. Of course, if they’ve seen a tube of piles cream and a pack of toilet rolls, this might not go quite to plan. It would, at least, be unique! Encourage your child to visit the sweets aisle and maybe the one with the books, CDs and DVDs. If you find the perfect film, throw in a bag of popcorn, too.

Pot Luck

The pot luck gift is my favourite of all. It’s great for children who are beginning to understand the value of money. Give them £5 or £10 and take them to B&M or Home Bargains, somewhere that they will get plenty for a small sum. Allow them to use the money in any way they see fit, as long as the gifts will go to their dad, not them!

We won’t pretend that these gifts are earth-shatteringly out of the ordinary, but hopefully, they have given you food for thought. It isn’t always easy to think about pleasantries when it comes to an ex but remember that they are still the parent of your child or children. At least provide your kids with the opportunity to show that they love them, and this will mean some input and support from you.

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