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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Easing your anxiety: six things to try

Easing your anxiety: six things to try

In this crazy world, more people are finding they are battling with excessive worry.

Easing your anxiety is not an easy thing to do, but you may find a good balance with the implementation of one or more things in your life.

If you’re keen to ease your anxiety, continue reading for six things to try.

  1. Reduce your screentime

What sounds like an instruction to a child or teen is actually a good motto for life for the majority of us. Modern life is often dictated by an overwhelming amount of technology, and it can have a detrimental effect on mental health. Not living in the present can mean that you are detached from what is going on around you and increase anxiety levels. Spending less time watching the television, glued to your phone or looking at a computer screen will boost your wellbeing and could lessen anxiety at the same time.

  1. Increase exercise

There are countless benefits to increasing your activity levels, including to your mental health. Raising your heart rate until it becomes slightly trickier to talk to someone else for around twenty minutes each day can give you a significant boost and stimulates endorphins, which are your body’s natural feel-good chemicals. In turn, these can help to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, leaving you feeling more positive about life in general. Try to avoid exercising within two hours of trying to sleep as it can prevent you from falling asleep easily.

  1. CBD

While its cousin, THC (the psychoactive compound found in marijuana), can be attributed to causing or worsening anxiety, CBD is actually thought to have a positive effect on mental health, including anxiety and depression. From vaping to gummies, oil to creams and balms, there are so many products on the market, so it is vital to seek out support to know which is best for you.

  1. Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol can make us feel great initially, after a while, it can have negative impacts on our mental health. For example, too much can lead to overreliance and addiction, but moreover, it can make us feel pretty lousy if we have too much. Limiting alcohol intake will make us feel much fresher and lower anxiety levels.

  1. Improve your sleep regime

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Literally. A lack of it will lead to all sorts of health problems, including low moods. Caffeine is a stimulant and having any after 3pm can lead to an inability to sleep, so be sure to limit your intake. When it comes to sleep, forming good habits is an imperative step. Be sure to head up the stairs at the same time every day and set an alarm each day for the same time, too. Eventually, your body will fall into a good sleep pattern. Aim for around eight hours per night to ensure your body has time to recharge.

  1. Add in relaxation opportunities

 Relaxation is something that you will hear people advising on a regular basis, but you may feel that you are unable to find time to do it justice. In fact, you only need around ten minutes at the beginning or end of a busy day to relax and make a difference to your anxiety levels. Practise breathing techniques and work on tensing and untensing from your head down to your toes. Guided meditation is also a great way to relax and practise mindfulness, reminding you of the positive things in your life.

This list is far from exhaustive, but these ideas have a great success rate and should support you in alleviating your anxiety levels. Even when you are not feeling this way, try to keep your routine going.

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