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Iceni Magazine | February 16, 2025

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Different Roofing Styles You May Need to Know


As there are many different roofing styles you may need to know about, consider where you plan to live before choosing the style that is fitting for you.

Depending on where you live, how much money you want to spend, what’s practical and do you want a low maintenance roof? All of these will determine which one will be fitting towards your needs. If you live in a more modern house, it may be worthwhile discussing your needs with new construction roofing contractors. Likewise, for a traditional build, you may need to chat to someone experienced in that specific type of property.

Pyramid Roof

Different roofing styles you may need to know about can include this common type of roof that is shaped like a pyramid with four slopes, meeting at the peak. It’s usually used on small areas or structures such as a pool house or garage, adding elegance to the appearance of the home. Provide this type of roof with a hard wearing coating that’s resistant to all types of weather, preserving your roof for a very long time.

Flat Roof

This is probably the most practical as it’s easy to construct and safe to stand on, but it requires more maintenance than traditional roofs. Over time tons of debris will accumulate on top and will require monthly cleaning. Yet, with the proper flat roof coating it can be one of the more cost effective types of roofing and it can help permanently eliminate problems that are typically associated with a flat roof. Calling upon a roof coating specialist such as Roof Coating Specialist can help get the job done.

Arched Roof

This is one of the more common type of roofing styles that is used on homes as it adds an aesthetic touch to the architecture. Adding a wall coating by wall coating specialists that contains high resin content will help preserve this roof for a longer and more durable existence.

Cross Gable Roof

This type of arched roof is used in larger homes as it is simple in design and can save on the cost of construction. It’s not ideal for high winded areas. With roof coating with roof paint of multiple colours to choose from, it can preserve the roof from the many elements the UK faces regularly including heavy rain, pollution and snow. The paint will offer a breathable, thermal and flexible waterproof properties that will enable the roof to lat that much longer.

Different roofing styles you may need to know of will help you decide which one will work for the type of home and living conditions. Using Roof Coating Specialists will help get the job done right while adding wall coatings that range in texture and provide a much longer lifespan.

Be environmentally friendly when choosing a roof. One way to do this is to go with a thermal roof that is resistant to changes in weather, preventing loss of heat or coolness in the home. It brings down the energy bills and is an efficient way to go.

Roof coating and cleaning are not the only services provided by the Roof Coating Specialists. They can provide brick protection, make repairs to a repairable roof, and add gutters or repair them. There are multiple services that can be explored to have the type of roof that will last a lifetime. Driveways are also an important part of having a home. The Specialists will help provide protection, restoring and cleaning services to ensure that there are no cracks or holes or even fungus growing that can occur in damp living conditions. For more information regarding all of the services provided by Roof Coating Specialists email or call today.

Article by Lauren Williamson


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