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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Nearly a third of Brits admit to being on a dating app while in a relationship

Nearly a third of Brits admit to being on a dating app while in a relationship
  • Just under half of the surveyed men (46%) admitted to using dating apps while in a relationship
  • 35% of Brits think being on a dating app while in a relationship acts as a form of insurance policy
  • 74% of those surveyed would consider divorce if they found their partner was on a dating app

A new study has today (06/09/2017) revealed that one in five Brits ‘wouldn’t mind’ if their partners used a dating app because they believe this is just part and parcel of the modern day dating life. 

The research of 2,100 UK adults from Slater and Gordon Lawyers saw nearly a third admitting to using a dating app while in a relationship, meaning that a big majority of us are falling into the temptation of having a secret life away from our partners.

Just under half of men (46%) admitted to using dating apps, while women are found to be the fairer sex, with only over one in five (21%) saying they have used a dating app behind their partner’s back. 

The top reasons people said they had strayed onto a dating app included being ‘bored’ (10%), ‘sex life dwindling’ (9%) and ‘arguing a lot’ (7%) with their partner.

35% said that using modern day dating tools like apps serve as an ‘insurance policy’, with one in ten saying it doesn’t constitute as cheating unless you have physical contact.

Online flirting and engaging on dating sites and apps without meeting up might seem like a grey area but for nearly 75%, it is enough for them to consider a divorce. Over half (51%) said they would dump their partner if they found them fishing online for a new love, and 50% would expect their partners to quit using dating apps as soon as they became official.

Sarah Jane Lenihan, divorce lawyer at Slater and Gordon, said: “These findings mirror what we have seen during recent divorce proceedings where we have acted for clients. Modern technology such as the use of social media and now more recently dating apps, have added yet another potential hurdle for a couple. Having a secret life away from your partner is a temptation which is clearly still dividing opinion.

“Previously these apps wouldn’t have been involved in relationships but within the last two to three years we have seen a steady rise in them appearing during divorce proceedings.”



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