These are the most cringeworthy things kids have said to embarrass their parents
“My mummy likes wine”, “this food is disgusting” and “you have no hair” are among the cringeworthy things kids have said to embarrass their parents, it has emerged.
A study of 2,000 mums and dads shows 52 per cent are genuinely worried about what will come out of their child’s mouth next.
And they have every reason to be concerned, according to the study, as one quarter of kids have repeated something their parents have said in public, when they really shouldn’t have.
The survey threw up some hilarious examples such as one child who announced to her mum’s mother-in-law “mummy doesn’t like the fact you’re always moaning her house isn’t clean enough”.
More common embarrassing phrases include “look there’s a baby in that man’s belly” and “my daddy is really hairy”.
While kids have also been known to shout out “why have you got yellow teeth?”, “I don’t like this present” and “why does that person smell?”
The study also found parents have also been left red-faced after their child announced to a friend “I don’t like you”.
Siobhan Freegard for said: “Out of the mouth of babes comes the funniest things.
“Children have no filter and simply say things as they see it and don’t mean to leave you red-faced.”
The survey also found two in 10 kids have said “you’re old” to members of the public.
The age at which children are most likely to say or do something embarrassing was revealed as four.
And the most common place where children are likely to humiliate their parents is the supermarket for 61 per cent, followed by a friend’s house (29 per cent) and the shopping centre (28 per cent).
Over half of children have left parents feeling uncomfortable when they repeated swear words they’d overheard.
A further two in 10 parents have been left to explain what their child meant when they’ve said something cringeworthy in public.
One respondent said their child repeated to their parent’s friend “you’re an awful driver and shouldn’t have a license”.
Another mum had to explain what their child meant when they said “mummy wears a nappy sometimes” – in reference to sanitary products.
The study also found one in 10 parents said their child has even drawn something at school to embarrass them, including a picture of the mum in question being sick after a night out.
Calling the postman a “baldie”, telling a policeman “my mummy has handcuffs like yours in her bedroom” and “my daddy’s willie has a beard” are among other faux pas made by the nation’s children.
The spokeswoman from Channel Mum, which carried out the study via added: “If you’re worried about what you child may say next, remember where they are learning their information.
”If your child has said a few of the top phrases, maybe it’s time to watch what you say too”
1. This food is disgusting
2. You’re old
3. Mummy/daddy just had a poo
4. I don’t like you
5. Look there’s a baby in that man’s belly
6. I don’t like this present
7. My mummy likes wine
8. Mummy says your house is dirty
9. You don’t have any hair
10. What’s wrong with that person’s face?
11. Why is that person so small?
12. Why have you got spots?
13. Why does that person smell?
14. Why have you got yellow teeth?
15. Look that person is really ugly
16. Why is that person dirty?
17. My daddy is really hairy
18. My mummy/daddy doesn’t like you
19. Why is that person so fat?
20. I don’t love you any more