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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Common Causes for Your Car to Lose Power

Common Causes for Your Car to Lose Power

When it comes to our vehicles, ensuring that things are running smoothly is hugely important, and if you notice that things aren’t quite as normal, there’s a lot you may need to keep in mind.

Indeed, identifying any potential challenges early can help you resolve them a little more easily – however, knowing what the cause can is be tough.

Before buying a new car, always run a car check first to look out for any of the common signs that a vehicle could be at risk of losing power. Did you know that there are numerous potential reasons that your vehicle could lose power? Pinpointing the exact problem may be a little tough, but the following are some of the main reasons.

Clogged Filters

One of the biggest causes of power loss is a clogged filter. Your car’s air and fuel filters play a vital role in balancing the amount of air and fuel being combined within the engine, and when this balance isn’t met, there’s a good chance that your engine may begin to struggle to provide enough power.

Fortunately, replacing clogged up air and fuel filters is a relatively simple and easy process. So, if you haven’t changed the filters in a while, this could be worth considering.

Clogged Catalytic Converter

It’s not just your filters that can get clogged; the catalytic converter in your exhaust system could also get blocked up over time. This can significantly reduce your vehicle’s power, and over time, it could even result in severe engine damage. As such, if you don’t think the issue is due to filters, this is an important point to check.

Spark Plugs Wearing Out

Your car’s spark plugs do a lot of work, and invariably, this means that they’ll generally begin to depreciate a little with time. In line with this, if you’ve noticed that your car seems to be falling in terms of its power and performance, checking the spark plugs may be a good option.

ECU Errors

Your vehicle’s engine control unit is highly important to keep the engine running safely. However, if this develops an error and reports a fault that doesn’t exist, the ECU could interfere with your engine’s power supply. Its intentions might be good, but this can leave you in a tricky situation.

Fuel Injectors Playing Up

If your car’s fuel injectors begin to develop a fault or inject the wrong amount of fuel into the combustion chamber, you may notice a drop in power supply to the car. In turn, this could potentially do a significant amount of damage to the vehicle, so addressing this in a timely manner is integral.

Final Thoughts

If your car has been losing power, there’s a good chance that something might be going on under the bonnet – and getting this checked out as soon as possible is highly important.

Inspecting any signs of power loss is especially important to be aware of when buying a new car and taking it for a test drive.

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