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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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5 Key Questions for Small Business Owners Starting a Construction Project

5 Key Questions for Small Business Owners Starting a Construction Project

Starting your first commercial construction project can feel a bit like deciding to run a marathon.

Sure, there are dreams of hitting the finish line with a large prize, recognition, and even an eventual following, but there’s more than that. Actually, both require preparation, the right team, and a good pair of running shoes (or steel-toe boots, in this case). As a small business owner ready to construct a new location, it’s crucial to ask yourself some key questions before the diggers roll in and the first bricks are laid.

Basically, whatever it is your dream of, a new hotel, a new brick-and-mortar, a new cafe, or basically anything else that’s under the sun, it all starts right with the construction! So, with all of that said, let’s dive into these questions, ensuring your project starts—and ends—on a high note.

What Are My Exact Needs?

All right, so before you do anything, get clear about what you need. Do you want a quaint café with a rooftop garden or a sleek new office space? Overall, just knowing exactly what you want will help you communicate effectively with architects, contractors, and planners. It’ll save you time and money and the hassle of mid-construction changes.

How Much Can I Really Afford to Spend?

Sure, by all means, it’s better to have this bright and innovative idea. You know what the people want, and you know what’s going to get the people swooning, right? Well, budgeting isn’t the most fun part of building a new business location, but it’s crucial.

Like it or not, you’re going to have to work out a detailed budget that includes all potential costs—construction, materials, legal fees, and a buffer for unexpected expenses. But overall, just knowing your financial limit helps keep your project grounded in reality.

Who Are the Right Professionals for This Job?

Alright, this is the obvious one, but construction isn’t a solo sport. But that’s not the only thing either; you’ll need a team of skilled professionals who understand your vision and the local regulations. So, this is where the hard part goes. Who do you need? How do you hire these people? How can you make this all happen? The list is long, but you’re going to need architects, contractors, construction managers, and even a building envelope specialist like TSL (Topek Southern Ltd). Actually, these are only a few examples of who and what you’ll need.

As you can guess, commercial construction is tough, and it involves too many people and so many parties. Honestly, it gets to the point where you’re going to lack some control here and there. But nonetheless, you’re going to have to choose wisely for all of these!

How Long Will the Construction Take?

Of course, time is money, especially in business. So you can’t forget this! So, an extended construction period can affect not only your budget but also your opening plans. You’ll have to discuss timelines with your team to set realistic expectations. Remember, weather delays and unexpected issues can extend timelines, so always plan for some wiggle room.

How Will This Construction Impact My Business?

If you’re renovating or expanding an existing location, consider how construction might affect your operations. Will you need to close during renovations, or can you keep part of your business open? Plan for disruptions and communicate with your customers to manage expectations.

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