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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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9 Things You’re Going To Need When Starting A Business

9 Things You’re Going To Need When Starting A Business

There are a lot of perks that come with running your own business, and being your own boss can be a great experience.

Everything is in your control, but that does come with its downsides too. You’re responsible for everything that goes wrong, and it’s up to you to make up for all of the shortcomings.

If you’re not ready to start your own business, then it can be over before it had the chance to begin. You need a solid plan and an understanding of how it is to run a business so that you can be ready to overcome the challenges of being in charge. No matter the business model you’re planning to take on, it’s not going to be simple.

A plan

No matter what it is you’re doing, you need a plan. Without a solid plan, you might as well throw your money away. Starting your own business can be expensive, and it would be wasteful to get going before you’ve done your research and thought everything through.

A good amount of planning will allow you to make realistic goals as well as give you a good idea of how much money you’re going to need to get things going. Remember business isn’t going to be booming from the get-go, and you need to account for that. You need to invest a lot before you can make anything in most cases.

An understanding of market research

Even if you feel you have a unique idea and a great business model, there are always going to be competitors. Whether it’s bigger businesses looking to beat out their competition, or others using your ideas – you need to be prepared to work against them. Standing out as a business can be tough, but you need to do that if you’re going to be the preferred option for your target audience. 

For example, in the cosmetics industry, you can analyse the market with AI-assisted market ingredients for personal care industry. This can allow you to see what different target audiences are looking for in terms of active ingredients in their desired products. Being able to understand what consumers are looking for at a manufacture level can help you to pivot to produce a product which is more popular with your target market.

Failing to learn more about the market you’re entering is going to put your business at a huge disadvantage, and you can expect things to go south pretty quickly. As great as it is to be your own boss, the calls you make are very limited to what’s going to earn you the most money in the best way possible.

Proper equipment

As mentioned before, you’re going to need to spend quite a bit of money before you’re able to make any. A large portion of your startup capital will be going to the necessary equipment. Running a business can be demanding, and while it depends on what you’re going to do – there’s always going to be something that will help your business. Do you need equipment for manufacture? A laptop for management? Anything that will help things to run smoothly and allow you to fulfill your job.

Buying equipment is where you’re putting the most at risk. Going for cheap options is going to cost you more in the long run, because they’re not often designed to last. However, if things don’t work out, the more expensive options won’t be worth what you’ve paid for them, and you’re not going to get your money’s worth.


Working with others in the business will require you to be insured in some way or another. It’s also great to know that your business is safe from third parties. If you’re often working with customers or their property, being insured will prevent your business from serious ramifications if their property is damaged due to your work. It might not sound like it, but being caught without insurance can cost you a large amount of money, and may put a stop to your business altogether.

Licenses and permits

You can’t just start your business and set up shop whenever or however you want, you need to make sure you’re legally allowed to. No matter what it is you want to sell or provide for others, you need a license and or permit for it. There are a lot of legal limitations on running a business, and if you’re not abiding by them, you’ll be stopped by the law. Make sure that when you’re planning your business start, you understand what you need to do to get the right permit or license for it.

Learn about your audience

Before you get going, have you taken the time to think about who it is you’re aiming to sell to? At some point, you’re going to need to be able to reach out to and connect with that audience, to market to them effectively. Your branding should be based on how your audience will receive it, so think carefully whenever making any customer interactions or design choices. That means you have to be careful with your logo and packaging, as well as how you treat your social media page.

Realistic goals

We all need goals to guide us, and your business is going to need a few to help you measure the progress that you’re making. However, if you’re setting your goals too high or too low, it could skew how you approach things. Milestones should be there to help you see when you have achieved something. Setting those goals too high is going to prevent you from being able to accurately meet your expectations, and could lead you to work harder than you should.

Adequate startup capital

If you’ve planned things properly, then you should have a good idea of how much money you’re going to need for things to run smoothly. Whether you need to seek a grant or loan, or find an investor, having a good amount of startup capital is going to help your business get a bit further.

Separate accounts

Although your business might be small to start off with, you’ll want to prepare a separate account for your finances. Mixing your business profits with your personal finances can make your management a bit messier, and make it harder to gauge what should be reinvested back into the business and what you should keep as your own money. Keep it simple and open up a separate account.

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