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Iceni Magazine | April 19, 2024

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7 Hacks for Spending Less Time Online

7 Hacks for Spending Less Time Online

With how good both our smartphones and internet connectivity have become, many of us spend hours on end online.

Spending so much online is not good for use because life passes by without many people noticing. The obvious solution is to spend a lot less time online. Below, we are going to look at how you can do exactly that.

Install Time Management Apps

There are two types of time management apps you could install; those that tell you how you are spending time online and those that block websites and apps so you do not have access to them when you should not. Apps that tell you how much time you spend online and what you spend it on can help you see how much time you are wasting and therefore help you make the necessary adjustments.

If you do not have the willpower to limit the amount of time you spend online, the second batch of apps is for you. These let you visit a limited number of websites or use a limited number of apps when you should be working or studying. By doing this, they can help you drastically reduce the amount of time you spend online.

Opt for Physical Games

If you love games and want to spend less time online, you could opt for physical games, preferably ones you can play with someone else. Card games apply here because they are easy to get into and can become quite competitive while remaining fun for everyone involved. Digimon is an excellent example because it is competitive enough while still providing a level of difficulty and sophistication that makes it very engaging. Players can also buy different starter and booster care packs to add to their collection so they get better chances against their opponents. The ability to evolve the game this way is what makes this game very popular in Japan and around the world.

Connect with People Offline

We have become so accustomed to talking to people online that the idea of meeting people physically seems unappealing. However, there are clear benefits to doing this. These include forging better relationships and friendships, getting a change of scenery, and getting new experiences that you would not have had if you just sat at home.

Set Time Aside

Another great way of spending less time online is setting time aside to do other things with your phone or computer. For example, you could listen to music or write a journal. You can also use your tablet to draw or read an interesting book. Our phones are capable of much more than using the internet and finding other things to do on the phone or other device can reduce the amount of time you spend online.

Go Camping

Going camping is a great way to connect with nature as well as leave your digital life behind. Since you have a lot of time, you can use it for wholesome activities such as meditating. You can also use the time to think about life or even make some decisions.

Go a Day Without the Internet

Take some time to use your phone just as a phone and nothing more. It will be hard, and you may be miserable at the end of the day, but this is good practice for when you need to go for longer without the internet. Just remember to let people know you will be offline, especially if you depend on your phone for your livelihood.

Switch it Off

There is a staggering number of people who run into others, buildings, and fire hydrants because they are looking down at their phones. Switch your phone off when walking or on the move so you are not tempted to check the latest tweet or Facebook post.


Life passes by fast and if you do not have the time to appreciate it, you will miss it. Many people let their lives pass them by because they are online all the time. Unless you use the internet for your work, try to switch it off and stay away from it from time to time. You will feel better for it.

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