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Iceni Magazine | February 16, 2025

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5 Strategies To Get Employees To Love You

5 Strategies To Get Employees To Love You

Figuring out how to get employees to love you and your company can be challenging at the best of times.

There’s always a tension between what the individual worker wants, and what’s best for the company. Getting people to put effort into their work can be quite hard, even for the most experienced bosses.

Fortunately, this post is here to provide some much-needed assistance. We take a look at some of the ways you can get your employees to love you and commit to the cause. Read on to learn more.

Give Them The Tools They Need

The first step is to give them the tools they need. Most employees want to feel like they are doing satisfying and valuable work. Keen workers want to get on with tasks and do a good job.

These tools could include machinery, vehicles, and computers. But it could also be simply items, like desks and filing systems. Waterfront Warehouse, for example, highlights the fact that many businesses need proper desk systems and boardroom furniture to function adequately. If employees can’t access it, it may adversely affect their capacity to perform.

Provide Them With Regular Breaks

You don’t necessarily have to give employees more time off than other companies. But it does help if you give them the impression they can take time off when they need it.

As such, don’t be dogmatic about holidays or vacation entitlements. Instead, focus on giving workers more options. You should find that employees don’t want to take as much time off because they have more control over their breaks. They can take time off at the most suitable times of the year for them, giving them more autonomy.

Give Them Encouragement

Another strategy for getting your people to love you is to provide them with regular encouragement. Not everyone in your office or place of work will feel motivated or happy all the time. However, giving people encouragement can provide them with support and make operations go more smoothly.

Giving encouragement also has the added benefit of being free. Unlike other interventions to keep employees happy, you don’t have to pay for it.

Remember, most managers and leaders aren’t engaging in these sorts of practices. If you do it, it will really stand out.

Create A Shared Mission

If you really want your employees’ love of you to go deep, create a shared mission for your company and brand. You want a mission that makes sense for everyone involved and motivates people to work hard and contribute to the firm.

The nature of this mission can be pretty much whatever your company does. But you need to make it inspiring. Employees should feel like they are contributing in a way that matters, and not just going through the motions.

Give Them Opportunities

Finally, give people in your organization opportunities. Make sure that there are ways they can develop their careers and move up to the next step. Don’t keep them siloed in particular roles as this could encourage them to look elsewhere for roles.

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