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Iceni Magazine | September 20, 2024

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4 Ways To Settle Your Child Into A New School

4 Ways To Settle Your Child Into A New School

If your child has to transfer to a new school, it can be a frightening idea for both of you.

Everyone will be concerned about how they will perform and whether or not they will fit in. In some circumstances, choosing a new school is the only option, but in others, you may begin to question whether you made the correct decision after all. Being the new kid might be intimidating, but there are certain things that parents can do to help their children settle in fast and comfortably, and they are definitely helpful to know.

Before making any firm decisions about which school your child will transfer to, it is essential to do your research. You may be concerned about how to compare schools as there are a number of factors to consider, but ultimately, you will have a good feel for the best suited establishment. Consider size, location, parental views and Ofsted reports as well as the school’s own website and prospectus. 

Visit The School

It’s likely you’ve spoken to fellow parents and sought advice from established parenting websites, such as Best For Parents, in order to help make the decision as to which school is best for your child. So, once you have secured a place, be sure to visit the school as soon as possible before your child’s first day. It’s also vital to bring your child along so they can get a sense of the building, the ambiance, the teachers, and the other students. It is ideal if your child can attend a taster session and spend the whole day at the school. This will really aid them in acclimating to it, and it will make them much more enthusiastic about returning there on their first day. Knowing what to anticipate ahead of time can help lessen the anxieties and fears that might otherwise build up within.

Be Positive

Whatever the reason for your child’s school change (whether it’s because your job is moving or because you believe they aren’t receiving a decent education where they are presently – or any one of several other reasons), be upbeat about the change and look forward to the future. Don’t forget to point out all the excellent things they’ll be able to do at their new school. Make a day of it by going to the school’s website, looking at the extracurricular groups, school trips, sports, and music, and if there is a uniform, taking a trip to the shop to try it all on. If you’re excited about it, your child should sense your enthusiasm and start to get excited too.

Become Involved

If you can, become involved with the school in some way. Get involved with the PTA, host coffee mornings, and go to as many events as you can. If you have a question or a problem, this will allow you to communicate with teachers and staff in a less formal manner, which may be helpful in certain cases. Getting more active at school allows you to learn about your child’s activities, feelings, and concerns more quickly. Additionally, it will help alleviate any concerns you may have had about the school, which will directly impact your child’s outlook.

Give It Time

It is important to note that it may take some time for your child to adjust to a new school. There will be a lot to learn and new ways to do things, and even if they are having a great time, remembering these new things might be challenging. They will, though, eventually. Every child’s transition is unique, so don’t be concerned if it seems to be taking longer than you had planned, as long as your child appears to be content. If you are worried, schedule a meeting with a teacher to address your concerns, but first, talk with your child. It’s possible that the reason they’re still uneasy isn’t related to school at all, but to something else completely, in which case you should be aware of it and figure out how to make it better.

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