Top Tips for Impressing New Clients
When you manage to secure a new client, you need to make sure that you are impressing them in every way.
You’ll want to make the best possible first impression to encourage them to stick around and see what you have to offer. This is something that many businesses are great at, while others lack the experience and knowledge to really impress their clients.
To help you with this, we have put together some top tips for impressing new clients. This will include everything from doing some additional research on their company to making them feel special when you can. Use these tips and adapt them to suit your own client base.
Do Your Research
One of the best ways to impress new clients is to spend some time researching their company. This is something that you’ll likely have done when you created a proposal for them, but continuous research can go a long way. Have they had some changes in their leadership that you could chat about? Have they launched a new product recently or created a new partnership with another company? Showing that you know what they are up to can go a long way and indicate that you are interested in them.
Make Them Feel Special
When you first secure a new client, you need to show them that they are special and that you are going to do everything that they need you to do. Of course, you also need to make sure that you are not neglecting your current clients as this could lead to problems further down the line. It is possible to find a balance between these two things to make your new clients feel special. Take them out on corporate hospitality days, keep them updated and always be there to communicate. The harder that you try to make them feel special, the more they will see the effort that you are putting in to impress them.
Be Hospitable When They Visit
When your clients are coming to your office for a meeting, you need to make sure that you use this opportunity to impress them. Give your office a spring clean, hire some caterers and do what you can to make the meeting as impressive as possible. If this is just a small weekly meeting, then you don’t have to go over the top but remember to be hospitable. Offer them premium coffee choices using compostable coffee pods to show that you are a sustainable business and encourage your staff to be welcoming. This will surely impress them and encourage them to come back.
Go Above Their Expectations
Our next tip for those who want to impress their new clients involves setting expectations. You must make sure that your clients know what to expect from you and that you don’t promise too much. The last thing you will want to do is disappoint them and not meet their expectations. The great thing about setting expectations that are reasonable is that you can really impress them when you go above and beyond this. As long as they don’t start to expect you to provide a quick turnaround, this can be a great way of doing things. Make sure to try this out and see if it is something that works for you and your business.
Ask for Feedback
Finally, a great way to impress your clients is to ask for feedback. This is something that not many companies do but it can actually be quite beneficial if it is done right. By asking for feedback, you are allowing your clients to let you know if there is anything that they are not happy with. Even if they are happy with the current service, they will appreciate that you asked for their opinion and will, in turn, be impressed. There are a few ways to do this, via email, in a weekly meeting or something that suits your line of business better – perhaps these Law firm client satisfaction surveys could be useful if you are looking for ways to improve your firm. Make sure to give feedback a try in 2020 to see the difference that it can make.
Final Verdict
Impressing your new clients doesn’t have to be hard if you know what you are doing. It is important that you remember that each and every client is different and so you might need to take a different approach with each of them. Remember that offering great customer service and going above and beyond their expectations can go a long way. Show your interest in their company, show off your company values and let them know that you are always there.
If you can follow the advice that we have given you in this article, you should be able to impress any new clients that you take on in 2020.