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Iceni Magazine | May 17, 2024

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The Business Of Educating

The Business Of Educating

We are committed to focusing on all things positive and bringing in the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and goalsetting.

After all, the best time to embrace change is at the change of the year. There is so much positive and exciting energy around, so harnessing that energy and putting it towards crafting your best life is an absolute win.

Millions of Brits downed tools last year, in a move that’s being called the great resignation. Returning to work after lockdowns and successive restrictions, reminded many of us about what’s actually important in life. Time spent with family, finding more worthwhile ways to create a living and seeking out passions that work for us, as opposed to the daily grind, ranked highly among reasons so many of us quit our jobs.

As a result, one of the more exciting fields that have seen a rise in interest in education. Many families are choosing to homeschool while many more are opting to create “cooperative” school models where local families form an education facility and educate their children that way. This has, in turn, created opportunities for aspiring educators to create their own preschools, nurseries and even primary schools. So, if you have a passion for education and want to create a business opportunity at the same time, read on. We have a few interesting thoughts to unpack.

First, what does the legal situation look like in the United Kingdom?

Homeschooling is legal in the UK, but you may have to get permission from your local council in certain instances. If you plan on creating a cooperative school model, then you must get permission from the minister, but with a solid business plan and proof of curriculum, that shouldn’t be a problem.

You have to agree to teach at least the basic British curriculum if you plan on having your students sit British exams. If you’re going to teach a foreign curriculum or an independent curriculum, you must first ensure that these qualifications will be accepted by local authorities, schools and universities.

Finding the right space.

Experts agree that children are far more inclined to learn when the space that they’re learning in lends itself to that outcome. This means that open spaces with limited attendance, innovative and creative design and easy to move around areas with dedicated spaces for play, naps and learning are best. Modular nursery buildings are proving very popular and are relatively inexpensive to set up.

Financial models.

When planning on creating what is essentially a private school, you must ensure that you have a business model that works and makes sense. No private enterprise can function without money, that much is obvious and if you mean improving standards continually and staying at the cutting edge of private education, you’ll need some good advice from people in the know. Remember that parents might be willing to pay a premium for this service, but creating a model that allows for a relatively affordable experience will keep bums on seats, and your chequebook looking good.

As more of us are looking at ways to provide the best possible education and lifestyle for our children, there are going to be interesting opportunities when it comes to providing private education.

“Let us leave the life free to develop within the limits of the good, and let us observe this inner life developing. This is the whole of our mission.” – Maria Montessori

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