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Iceni Magazine | February 9, 2025

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Starting A Voice Over Business

Starting A Voice Over Business

If you are considering starting a voice over business, congratulations, but be aware that this can be a challenging and competitive industry.

There is a growing demand for voice over talent and work, from many sectors, but there are also many highly skilled people looking for work in this area.

There are companies who can offer you work but if you want to be your own business and you believe in your ability to win clients, starting a voice over business may be the best thing you ever do. However, starting a company is challenging, so take the time to review your market, what you have to offer and think about what you need to do to ensure you give yourself every chance of success.

Can you afford to start a voiceover business?

When it comes to starting a business, there will always be costs involved. You will hopefully find that you can start a voiceover company without much outlay, but you will need equipment and you will need to promote yourself.

This costs time and/or money, so having a budget will help you speed up the process. You also need to consider how you will work. Will you be part-time at first, perhaps juggling your current role with voiceover work as and when it comes in or do you plan on going “all in” with your new venture?

There is a lot to be said for showing the courage of your conviction when it comes to starting a voice over business, but if it is going to leave you broke within weeks or months, you need to find the right way to enter the market.

How will you compete with established options in the industry?

As a newcomer to the industry, you have some advantages that will work in your favour but you must be aware that existing firms hold many advantages over you. You need to consider how companies like fare in the market and why people choose them.

Can you compete with the market leaders on quality, on the speed of service or on price? If you can’t offer people a reason to choose you over an established firm, it is going to be difficult to gain customers and obtain orders. However, if there is an area where you can stand out from the crowd and position yourself as a smart choice, you have an opportunity to achieve success.

This is often referred to as a company’s USP or their Unique Selling Point. With a USP, there is a reason for people to choose your voice over service other another, so make sure that you drive this advantage home.

How will people find out about you?

If you are a new company, you need to make sure people know about you and what you offer. This is essential because if people don’t know you exist, you aren’t going to get any orders. Social media can help but you should also consider promotional activities.

If you have voice over skills and a passion for the work, give yourself the best chance of business success.

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