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Iceni Magazine | July 27, 2024

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Small Actions of Kindness Your Employees Appreciate

small actions

Did you know that a third of UK employees feel undervalued at work?

This was revealed in 2022 research, which also revealed that 79% of those that feel undervalued were looking for work elsewhere. These are figures that should cause alarm for business leaders as you want to retain staff and help them to feel valued to boost morale and performance. So, what can you do to make your employees feel valued and an important personalities in the team?

Celebrate Achievements

One of the best ways to help an employee feel valued within your organization is to celebrate achievements as a team. This should include their accomplishments at work, but also things in their personal life like getting married, birthdays, and running a marathon. An employee of the month is also a great way to show appreciation and motivate your entire workforce along with physical gifts like well-being boxes that can be sent to their home or vouchers that can be spent in popular stores.


Offering perks that appeal to your employees can benefit the business in a few ways. It will help the staff to feel valued, which should boost productivity and morale while also helping you to keep hold of your top performers. The key is to offer perks that employees want and these days this means flexible working. It can also include regular social activities like Thirsty Thursday, which can be a great way to unite your team and have some fun. Business trips can also be a perk, especially if you opt for serviced apartments in London when visiting the capital. This can allow your employees to enjoy luxury during their trip and feel well looked after.

Gather a Social Team

For employees to feel valued, they need to feel like they are an important part of a team. This means that they need to develop positive relationships with colleagues and regular social events will be the best way to do this. Crucially, you need to keep in mind that your workforce will consist of people that are very different from one another, including people of different generations, introverts and extroverts, and people with different interests. Therefore, it is a good idea to form a group from different age brackets to organize bimonthly social events and to mix these events up and make them optional. Keep your introverted team members in mind as they can be hugely valuable and may struggle with regular social events, so you need to find ways to make them feel comfortable without forcing them to be social.

UK employers need to do more to make their employees feel valued otherwise you risk losing your talent. Hopefully, this article will give you a few ideas that will help staff feel valued and improve the workplace atmosphere.

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