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Iceni Magazine | May 16, 2024

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Protect Your Business from the Worst Issues Today

Protect Your Business from the Worst Issues Today

You need to protect your business as an ongoing activity that requires attention.

From cybercrime to medical awareness, it is your responsibility to ensure everything is above board.

Don’t Neglect Cyber Security

Never before has it been more important to keep hackers out of your business than it is now. Every year, more than 10 million attempts are made to get into the data of small and medium-sized businesses in the UK alone. So, to protect your business from some of the worst things that can happen, you should hire cybersecurity specialists. Some of these are ransomware, data theft, and getting into company bank accounts. Recovery from these is often impossible, and it can also lead to reputation and financial ruin, depending on the circumstances.

Lawyers Can Protect Your Business

Lawyers are extremely helpful in almost every part of a business, whether you like them or not. Besides criminal law, there are many other parts of the law that you may never need to use, such as business. Also, business lawyers are very skilled when it comes to issues of liability. For instance, a retained law firm can help during an investigation into health and safety issues at your company. They can help find out who is liable and save your money and reputation. It is often cheaper and more effective to keep a firm on retainer because they get to know you well.

Always Train Your Employees

You should teach everyone how to do their job well. Everyone is in danger when people don’t do their jobs well. For example, because there aren’t enough truck drivers right now, companies are hiring drivers who don’t have the right skills. Because of this, vehicle accidents across countries like the USA and UK have increased. Also, if you hire someone without due diligence, you can be held as responsible as them for any accidents that happen because of their mistakes. You wouldn’t want the deaths of innocent people hanging over your head because you cut corners.

Take Safety Seriously

As a business owner, you are responsible for protecting everyone at your business, including employees. One of the simplest and most effective is to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency. And that there is sufficient access to emergency exits. You also need to make sure emergency systems such as CCTV, fire alarms and water systems are in good working order. Failure to assess these on a regular basis can end in tragic consequences. These include people burning to death, stampede and not making it out before a building collapses.

Educate Staff About NSFW Practices

There have always been problems at work. But in the last few years, they have become more important. Activist movements for awareness are important to society because they bring attention to unfairness and bad behaviour in society and the workplace, such as:

  • Sexual misconduct or sexual abuse.
  • Racism against people of colour and immigrants.
  • Religious persecution, such as against Jews and Muslims.
  • Workplace abuse because of sexual orientation or gender identification.
  • Not safe for work (NSFW) practices such as jokes, labels and stereotypes.

You are responsible for making sure the safety of everyone you hire. One method that has worked well in the past is to hold seminars. Education programmes like this can help employees know what is and isn’t okay to do at work, or help identify where they are at fault.

Hire Accountants to Look After Finances

For a business to do well, it needs to have good accountants and people who understand business finances. Chartered financial analysts and planners can help you with all different facets of your business’s finances, not just taxes, which you need to know about as a business owner. Accountants know how to make decisions about investments, insurance, and audits. Auditing can help analyse where your business might be losing money unnecessarily and highlight ways to make actionable changes towards saving money further down the line.

Get as Much Insurance as Possible

Insurance is the most important thing your business needs. It protects not only your business but also your employees. Liability insurance and insurance for workers’ compensation are all good places to start. For instance, liability insurance pays for damage caused by a lawsuit as well as the fees and costs that go along with it. And workers’ compensation pays the wages and medical bills of employees who get hurt on the job. This ensures that your company doesn’t end up out of pocket, and as such, is a legal requirement in some countries like the USA and UK.

Protect Your Business with First Aiders

You can protect your employees even more by hiring medical staff to work on-site or by teaching the staff you already have how to do medical procedures. Most of the time, you may want to pay to have some staff learn how to give first aid. But if there is a big risk to staff members, you could think about hiring a nurse or doctor to be on site. Therapists are also often hired by companies to help people with stressful jobs such as working with vulnerable people. On-site therapists can also help motivate employees and keep them focused on their work at hand.

Provide Adequate Medical Safety

At the minimum, your company should have basic medical care that people need. For example, where there is a risk of injury from things like chemicals or sparks from welding, make sure there is access to immediate care, like eyewash stations. Also, you could think about having defibrillators on-site that employees can use in case of cardiac arrest or a heart attack. On-site defibrillators are also an excellent way to help save lives, and they don’t cost a fortune to install. Because they are so effective, the UK is making it a legal requirement to have on-site defibs.


You know that it’s hard to protect your business as a required part of staying afloat. Dangers come from all over, including cyber attacks, NSFW practices and medical negligence at work.

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