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Iceni Magazine | September 21, 2024

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Killer Tips To Get You Back On Track With Your 2022 Fitness Goals

Killer Tips To Get You Back On Track With Your 2022 Fitness Goals

We all start the year with the utmost intentions – going for regular runs, working out at the gym every day and maintaining a healthy eating plan.

Within a few weeks (or even days!) those new years goals have taken a back seat for most of us. Cold, gloomy days and the lure of curling up under blankets with the TV and substantial home cooking are just too much for many folks, and who can begrudge them?

Spring is on the way, however, and with that comes longer evenings, warmer weather and an ideal opportunity to get that exercise plan back on track. We speak about spring cleaning our homes, but why not start out with spring cleaning you?  In this piece, we look at how you can get yourself inspired and ready to get active once again.

1) Sign Up For Personal Training

Having someone there encouraging you and supporting you can be a tremendous boost to enthusiasm, and a personal fitness trainer can be precisely what you need. There are various ones you might look at, from strength training to physical conditioning. Ask your local personal trainer what they provide. Some may have particular focuses, and you may need to ask them questions about it.  If you can’t extend to personal training, find a companion to work out with and hold each other to account.

2) Set reasonable goals

Everyone wants to make targets, but the essential thing is that they are SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. There is almost no point declaring you are going to do a triathlon at some point in the future if you do not have the time and if you can’t run more than a few metres without needing to rest, it is definitely impossible for the time being. Unachievable goals might have the opposite impact by making you feel demoralized, and that can be a key cause of individuals quitting.  You might look for activities or competitions that collect money for charity as an incentive and encourage friends, family and coworkers to endorse you. If you have other people supporting you and encouraging you or counting on you, you are far more likely to stick to it.

3) Make fitness fun

If you dislike running or dread attending the gym, then don’t. Find an activity you like. Latin dance courses are a great option, requiring only your favourite pair of dance heels to get started. Dancing is a great stress reliever and can help you shed some pounds too, so why not give it a try? There are also other alternatives that you can explore to help you stay active – Zumba, disco aerobics, trampolining, and aqua aerobics are just a few different fitness activities that are rising in popularity at present. As long as your blood is pounding, your heartbeat is raised, and you are dripping with sweat, it really does not matter that you aren’t in a gym cranking weights or hammering the pavements daily.

4) Invest in a fitness tracker

The newest fitness trackers can offer a full array of data, like the number of calories that you have expended during a given exercise. Sometimes, seeing just how efficient an exercise has been may be a fantastic source of motivation.

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