County Court Judgment: Everything You Need To Know
The courts have the power to issue County Court Judgments (CCJs) on behalf of creditors who do not get paid by debtors.
Both companies and individuals can have CCJs issued against them. What is a CCJ? Find out more here.
If it is not dealt with effectively and swiftly, a CCJ can be a huge concern to those it is issued against. It is important that you quickly get the CCJ removed from the credit rating of your company or your own rating. Otherwise, you might encounter issues when trying to get a loan further down the line. Want to learn more about how you should go about removing a County Court Judgment? Continue reading below.
Have The County Court Judgment Paid In A Month Or Less
After the court ruling, a CCJ will be reflected in credit records in just a matter of days. However, you can remove the judgment from your name if you get it completely paid off within a month. The court can act like no judgment was made once the CCJ is paid off, so be sure to inform the court of what you are doing. If the court is not informed of the payment being made, the CCJ will remain in force – so it is essential for the creditor to inform the court of what has been done with regard to payment. You can do this in two ways, get a “proof of payment” and inform the court, or simply reach out to the creditor after making the payment and request them to contact the court and inform them of the same.
You can get a certificate of satisfaction – demonstrating that you have handled the CCJ through the public register, though not on time – if you pay for the CCJ at a later date. But, the CCJ will remain on your credit record, even if the debt has been settled. However, accessing credit will be a bit easier, as there will be proof that the debt was dealt with. It can be quite hard for you to secure any form of credit related assistance if CCJs indicate that your credit record is unsatisfactory.
Removing A CCJ After Six Years
You normally have to wait over a period of six months for the automatic removal of a CCJ without payment. You are simply going to have to wait for six years, if you do not want to pay anything towards the CCJ. It is upon you to consider whether you want to have bad credit over a period of six years, if this method of dealing with the CCJ appeals to you.
Other Methods Of Dealing With A County Court Judgment
A County Court Judgment rendered as a default judgment can be set aside if the defendant chooses not to defend or acknowledge it. However, it is worth noting that you can’t get a default judgment simply because you ignore a claim and fail to attend your court hearing. If you can find a reason for the court to ignore the judgment – such as a claim form sent to the incorrect person – you may be able to set everything aside. The court may just allow you to get out of the hearing if you have a valid reason for it. This way, the CCJ will no longer be a problem as it will be removed from the public register. To make sure that you can deal with the problem directly, be sure to move swiftly with the court if you prefer this course of action.
The Importance Of Removing A County Court Judgment
A winding up order can be issued for debts over £750, if you do not work to have it resolved. In addition to negatively impacting your reputation, a winding up order can also lead to the freezing of your bank account(s). We recommend that you consult our advisers, in case this happens to you, as they can help you evaluate your options; and help save your company or your reputation.