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Iceni Magazine | May 15, 2024

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5 ways to keep your skin healthy from head-to-toe

5 ways to keep your skin healthy from head-to-toe

Recently, Kendall Jenner told fans, “I remember going online and seeing all the horrible things people were saying about me and my skin.”

Life can sometimes feel like a giant contest and we all have those days where we feel self-conscious. A great way to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin is to start by looking after it…

1. The beauty benefits of CBD oil

Nutritional Therapist, Fiona Lawson, working in association with CannabiGold ( recommends incorporating CBD oil into your daily skincare routine – “it makes an effective moisturiser, reducing fine lines, wrinkles and helps prevent early signs of ageing. It’s beneficial too for being a natural anti-inflammatory and tends to work quickly to refresh and plump out the skin.”

“Cannabigold classic 500MG CBD oil (£29.90, contains not only the skin supporting vitamins A, D & E but it also contains; protein, which is necessary for the structure, function and regulation of tissues, especially of the skin. It’s a complete protein as it contains all 20 amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids the body is unable to make; The Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 that keeps the skin moisturised, balances oily skin, prevents dry skin and reduces acne caused by excess oil. Zinc, which helps control oil glands in the skin, promotes healing and may prevent acne. Often acne is a sign of a zinc deficiency. Calcium, which is key mineral for skin cell regeneration and without sufficient calcium skin may appear thin, fragile and aged. Terpenoids, these increase blood flow and are anti-inflammatory with anti-bacterial properties, proving beneficial to all aspects of skin health. Finally, cannabigerol, which is involved in growth of skin cells and works as an antioxidant to keep them well – Effective in all skin ailments like psoriasis, itchy skin, dermatitis, acne and seborrhea.”


2. Watch what you eat

The UK’s leading nutritionist and author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar, Dr Marilyn Glenville ( explains, “what we eat has an effect on the mechanisms that are associated with ageing of the body and these benefits will be reflected not only in terms of good health but also in the condition of the skin. Vitamin C is the most important nutrient as this vitamin helps in the manufacturing of collagen. So, a good intake of fruits and vegetables is important and should be eaten on a daily basis. Our skin regenerates every 2-4 weeks so changes may be seen after this time.”

3. The skin superfood

“Itsu seaweed thins (RRP £1, Tesco) make the perfect skin enhancing snack as they’re brimming with salts, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These leave the skin hydrated, smooth and nourished. Seaweed also provides the ultimate combination of anti-inflammatory and oil balancing benefits. It heals, repairs and manages both dry and oily skin conditions, like acne, spots, blackheads and pimples,” explains Nutritionist Alix Woods.

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4. Try to eliminate stress

Feeling stressed doesn’t just make you unhappy on the inside, but also on the outside by contributing to the cause of wrinkles, blotches and spots. “This is due to high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood which contribute to other hormone imbalances in oestrogen and testosterone, leading to pimples and outbreaks,” explains Nutritionist  Cassandra Barns.

Top tip: Many work places now offer lunchtime yoga sessions because it’s been shown that yoga is an amazing stress buster. “I can’t think of a better way to connect the mind and body and set new intentions for the New Year. It will help you start the New Year with a purpose, allowing you to detox the body from the festive season and setting new goals. It will also be a reminder to go with the flow this year, to follow your instincts and stay in the present moment,” advises Adriana Salazar Marcano, founder of Phantai ( Phantai have a range of premium Mandala yoga mat’s (RRP £80, that support personal development, inner connection and a peaceful way of living. These Eco-friendly Phantai mats are available in a number of colours and are made with Natural Rubber and Non-toxic materials so it’s great for you as well as the Planet.


5. Check with your doctor

Skin changes, even minor ones, should be checked by your doctor as they can mean you have type 2 diabetes or your type 2 diabetes is not as well controlled, as it should be. “Having poorly controlled diabetes can affect your skin in a number of ways, partly due to raised glucose levels, partly due to abnormal cell metabolism, and partly due to poor blood supply if your skin receives less oxygen and nutrients than it needs. This can affect your skin in many ways. If blood glucose levels are poorly controlled, you may experience; Infections such as fungal skin infections (redness and soreness in skin folds), boils, or a spreading bacterial infection (cellulitis). Signs of skin infections include hot, red swollen skin, or an itchy painful rash,” explains Dr. Sarah Brewer, working in association with the type 2 Diabetes supplement, CuraLin (

“Less commonly, having poorly controlled diabetes can cause skin problems such as skin tags that may form clusters and are most common around the eyes, neck, armpit and groin. Eruptive xanthomatosis, yellow bumps and pimples that are tender and itchy and xanthelasma – yellow, scally patches around the eyelids which can indicate raised cholesterol level,” adds Sarah Brewer.


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