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Iceni Magazine | February 16, 2025

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3 Top Places In Norwich To Find Your Favourite Food

A Deliveroo Moped Delivery Rider Driver

A Deliveroo Moped Delivery Rider/Driver” (CC BY 2.0) by shopblocks

Although England may not be known for its cuisine, Norwich does have a very vibrant foodie scene, including access to a number of establishments serving food from all around the world.

Plus, some of these restaurants recently started delivering straight to your door so you can experience them from the comfort of your own home.

Big-Ass Burritos, Nanna Mexico

Burritos, Mexico City Tacos

burrito madness” (CC BY 2.0) by rvanarsdale

Back in 1958, there was a single mother of seven living in a cramped Mexico City apartment named Margarita. Though she already had many mouths to feed, Margarita decided that she was going to start feeding the entire neighbourhood, and headed out onto the street with nothing more than a kitchen table covered in fresh ingredients. Her food was so good and so influential that two generations later, Margarita’s grandchildren continue to make food for their neighbours from Nanna Mexico, Norwich. There, you’ll find Big-Ass Burritos, Mexico City Tacos and plenty of other dishes that are so authentic you’ll think you’re at Margarita’s Mexican street parties.

Homemade Falafel, Ruth’s Kitchen

Jerusalem is home to 3,000 years’ worth of recipes and cooking methods, and so too is Ruth’s Kitchen. This authentic restaurant focuses solely on delivering healthy, nutritious, delicious Middle Eastern dishes, most of which are created using homemade falafel. Wraps, pittas and baguettes come stuffed with the mouth-watering falafel, though there are options of humus, salad and meats that can either be halal or more traditionally English. Ruth’s Kitchen even make their own beverages so you can choose from lemon drinks, sahlab and a variety of coffees; whatever you feel will go best with your meal. Ruth’s Kitchen is also partnered with the online food delivery company Deliveroo. This means that you can eat this homely, homemade food in your own home without having to walk to Magdalen Street.

Sushi, Shiki Japanese

Sushi, Shiki Japanese

sushi” (CC BY 2.0) by Tony George

Located in the scenic epicentre of Norwich, few restaurants provide more authentic meals than Shiki Japanese. For anyone who loves sushi, seafood, tofu or noodles there is nowhere better, especially since the restaurant recently employed an Otsumami approach which is very similar to tapas. Instead of delivering huge meals, you have the choice of several that you can share with your friends and family, much like how they do in Japan. Though much of the menu is vegetarian, there are plenty of different options to choose from including chicken katsu curry and beef yaki-udon, but the idea is to try everything and really grow your palette.

So, whether you want a hearty Mexican meal, an authentic Middle Eastern experience or some fun Japanese food Norwich has got you covered, sometimes as much so that you can get the food at home. Let us know what you’ll be ordering next time you’re feeling peckish and where your favourite places to eat are as we can never have enough options when it comes to good food. 


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