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Iceni Magazine | February 8, 2025

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3 Essential Tips to Save Money on Your Energy in 2023

3 Essential Tips to Save Money on Your Energy in 2023

Energy bills are one of the biggest costs for families in 2023, and with the rising cost of living, something as simple as turning on your heating when your cold can cause you stress.

Many of us are in the same position and are having to be more careful than we used to be about the energy that we use.

Luckily, there are resources out there to help those in need, and the government website have put together a guide on the support available, particularly for those most vulnerable.

However, there are also steps that you can take around the home to help reduce the cost of your energy bills.

So, if you’re looking to save money in 2023, here are just three ways you can save this year.

1)     Be Smart with Your Appliances

One of the easiest things we can do to save money around the house, is switch off our electronics at the wall when we’re not using them. This is because even when an appliance is in stand-by, it’s still drawing power. While this will only save you a small amount, with the rising cost of living, every penny counts.

It’s also important to take energy efficiency into account when making new purchases. For example, when the time comes to replace a lightbulb, rather than reaching for one that you’ve had sitting in the cupboard for years, make sure to buy an energy option.

LED light bulbs use a lot less energy than standard light bulbs. Plus, LED light bulbs typically last a lot longer than their incandescent counterparts, making them a much better investment!

2)     Make Sure Your Home is Insulated

From double glazing to loft insulation, when you make it harder for the heat to escape your home, you won’t have to spend as much money to keep warm.

While most homes now come with double glazing as standard, there are still some older homes that haven’t made the change to double glazing. With experts such as Halifax Glass, you can ensure that your windows are doing the hard work, so your radiator doesn’t have to.

It’s also important to check for drafts around the house, particularly under doors. For example, if you find that your living room feels a little cold in the evenings, put a draft excluder in front of the gap at the bottom of the door.

3)     Invest In Renewable Energy

Switching to renewable energy will not only save you money, but it will help you do your part to protect the planet as well.

Solar panels are ideal for cutting your electricity costs, this might be something to consider later down the line.

For the meantime, consider opting for a renewable energy company such as Octopus Energy. However, it’s important to think carefully before you change providers, as the deal you’re on now might be the cheapest available to you.

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